Jim Serbent


Jim Serbent

Archival Pigment Print
24″ x 36″

Bardo 11

Jim Serbent

Archival pigment print
12″ x 18″

Bardo 47

Jim Serbent

Archival pigment print
24″ x 36″

Bardo 3

Jim Serbent

Archival pigment print
24″ x 36″

Bardo 44

Jim Serbent

Archival pigment print
24″ x 36″

Ganseki Koan 2

Jim Serbent

Archival pigment print
24″ x 36″

Ganseki Koan 4

Jim Serbent

Archival pigment print
24″ x 36″

Ganseki Koan 5

Jim Serbent

Archival pigment print
24″ x 36″

Ganseki Koan 7

Jim Serbent

Archival pigment print
24″ x 36″

Tatemono Koan 4

Jim Serbent

Archival pigment print
28″ x 42″

Untitled 5 (passaic)

Jim Serbent

Archival pigment print
44″ x 60″

Dharmata Koan 69

Jim Serbent

Archival pigment pring
28″ x 42″

Featuring only my latest efforts would fail to show the big picture, therefore a select sampling across an extensive body of work is provided. All examples from four different series are archival pigment prints of multi-layered images derived from original photography, video art, and digital-geometric creations. Time, space and place, energy and imagination are the prime influences for these visual explorations. Many works in each series were self-revealing in that they evolved into something quite different than originally conceived — the works themselves guiding me toward surprising conclusions.

The new Bardo Series presents meditative works about transcendence. They are comprised of high energy fractal renderings superimposed over still-framed video feedback backgrounds, some fused with aerial photography and other natural sources. Fractals are visualizations of mathematical formulae that emulate patterns found in nature. This series was inspired by levels of being and states of consciousness rooted in Tibetan Buddhism. As you look deeper into each print, your mind will hopefully transcend mundane concerns and, even if just for a moment, rise to a higher level. From a scientific standpoint, fractal creations and video feedback patterns are systems where complex visible forms whose geometries are exponentially recycled to the point where order can disintegrate into chaos. Five out of more than fifty Bardo prints are exhibited here.

The Ganseki Koan (Japanese for rock puzzle) project is an on-going print series that has become even more relevant during the current pandemic since it depicts the fragility and brevity of life. Featuring photos that I shot around the world, the prints display pan-cultural faces, masks, sculptures and text fragments from across the ages transparently layered over time-worn Pacific central-coast rock formations. Even these fractured monoliths symbolizing eternity will eventually erode into sand. As these long-gone visages gaze out upon you, the living, and you find yourself contemplating your own mortality, the works will have accomplished their mission. The more you look, the more you see, especially when viewing the full-sized 24″ x 36″ prints. Unfortunately in these web-sized images many of the fine details will be lost. On display are four from this group.

Three earlier works include selections from the Archetype Abstracts and Dharmata Koans. Although these images may appear visually disparate, each represents a distinct series. Please note that all large prints are available as smaller versions, down to 11 x 17 inches, at commensurately reduced prices.
