Carolyn Roth

Fish out of Water

Carolyn Roth

Monotype made with oil based lithography ink
20″ x 20″

Room 28000

Carolyn Roth

Monotype made with oil based lithography ink
22” x 30”

Blue Sun

Carolyn Roth

Monotype made with oil based lithography ink
15″ x 15″

Untitled 1

Carolyn Roth

Monotype made with oil based lithography ink
22″ x 30″

Untitled 2

Carolyn Roth

Oil and cold wax on board
8″ x 8″

Untitled 3

Carolyn Roth

Oil and cold wax on board
8″ x 8″

Untitled 4

Carolyn Roth

Oil and cold wax on board
8″ x 8″

Untitled 5

Carolyn Roth

Oil and cold wax on board
8″ x 8″

Untitled 6

Carolyn Roth

Oil and cold wax on board
8″ x 8″

Untitled 7

Carolyn Roth

Oil and cold wax on board
8″ x 8″

Briefly a resident of the county in the early 70’s, the mountains have called me back. I returned to live in Rappahannock in 2015. My studio allows me to continue the pleasure of throwing paint while simultaneously breathing in the mountains. I work in oil, acrylic, fabric or mixed media as the inspiration requires. Currently I am working with oil pigment and cold wax. There is a lusciousness to this that reminds me of making mud pies as a child. My work is in many private collections and has been exhibited in many galleries and shows in the DC area. 

Did you ever wonder why no author is asked to create an image for his book, and yet every visual artist is expected to write an artist statement? Ironic, as the work of a visual artist is nonverbal and hopefully speaks with its own symbolic language. Why is the visual artist burdened with taking a nonverbal process and putting it into words? For the moment I can only say that living in Rappahannock County has given me space, freedom, nurturance, and quiet as bedrock for creating. The mystery of creating defies words. My hope is that my work evokes a response from the viewer.


Artist Statement